Imagine moving to a country without a vehicle or a sense of how to use public transportation! Initially, this wasn’t a fear of mine, however, when I moved to Madrid, I realized that public transportation is the European way. Public transport in Europe is the most cost-effective way to travel within a city which I quickly learned! It’s fast, efficient, and well-maintained.
Below are some tips that will help you dive into the underground world like a pro.
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Estimate Usage
If you are taking public transportation for money-saving purposes, it is an important step to do a little research beforehand. I found it helpful to look at public transportation maps for any city you visit and see how they correspond with the destinations you want to see. I took into account how far destinations were from each other and where I was staying. When visiting Berlin, Rome, and Paris, I realized attractions were spread out which made public transportation extremely beneficial!
What is a metro card?
Metro Cards are all-access passes to public transportation. These are typically purchased in underground metro stations but often can be used in buses and streetcars. There are several different types of metro cards that vary depending on the city you are in. Most metro cards can be refilled, so do not throw them away.
One Trip Metro Card
This is the most simple form of a metro card and is good for single rides. Typically it is the most expensive option.
Multi-Ride Metro Card
Multi-ride cards are the most cost-efficient and convenient option if you frequently use them. The great feature of this metro card is paying for multiple rides in advance. Do not forget… it works on all forms of public transportation. This includes buses, underground systems, and streetcars.
Hourly Transportation Passes
In some cities, the public transportation systems operate on hourly rates rather than per-ride rates. This means that when you arrive you can purchase ride tickets in typically, 1 hr, 12hr, 24hr, or 36hr intervals. The more time you purchase the more cost-effective it is.
Validating your metro pass is an important step that you can NOT forget when using an hourly metro pass. What does this mean? Validating your ticket means, time-stamping your pass to indicate when your time interval begins. Validating occurs at little machines near the entrance gates on the interior of the metro stations.
***Validating is simple but can cost a pretty penny if not done!***
How to Buy a Ticket
The majority of cities that I have encountered have electronic ticket machines in the underground metro stations. This is where you can purchase your passes for all forms of transportation. There are often ticket counters where you can talk to a clerk who can help you get your tickets, but this is not in ALL of them.
I find that using electronic machines tends to be easier. It gives the ability to switch the purchasing process into English.
London is an exception, and they have streamlined their public transportation to allow for all fares to be paid via a tap pay credit card, on the busses as well as at the gate in the underground stations. This cuts out the additional step of purchasing a physical ticket. However, there is an odd exception for the airports. In order to go to the Airport, you need to actually purchase an Airport ticket rather than using tap pay. Otherwise, you could face a substantial fine. Learn from my mistakes 🙂
Know your destination
Navigating the Metro and getting lost was my biggest fear of using public transportation, but with some practice, It became second nature. 🙂
It is most important to know your destination ahead of time, and the name of its nearest metro stop. If you know what metro stop you are looking for it makes everything easier. All major cities have their metro systems on Google Maps and that was helpful when we didn’t have wifi. (press the little icon that looks like a tram to get directions via public transit.) If you leave your directions up, you should be able to access them as you are moving.
The three most important things you need to remember from getting directions are the name of the metro stop you are exiting at, the line (either color or number), and the direction in which you are taking it. This is often indicated by the station name that is at the end of the line in that direction.
Read the Signs
Metro Stations are one of the most clearly marked places I have ever been. Signs usually have the line numbers, colors, and all the stops. Once you find the correct line make sure you are going the right way and follow the sign that states the direction (or the last stop of that line). Most public transportation systems often make it easier than that and list all of the stations along the route in that particular direction. This way, you can find your destination and follow the signs for that direction.
The majority of metro stations are EXTREMELY well marked. Follow the signs, take your time, and ask someone local for help if you need it. I honestly think this is one of the BEST ways to get around a city!
Be Alert
It is important to be aware of your surroundings, everywhere, but especially in the metros. They are typically very safe, but with crowds come pickpockets. A way to keep your belongings safe is to keep them in front of you and in your direct possession. Backpacks, back pockets, and loose jackets are an easy target! Talking quietly is another suggestion I have to be safe. As Americans, our voices tend to carry, and being loud attracts attention! Stay quiet, stay alert, and you should have no issues while on public transportation.
Apps to Help with Public Transport in Europe
CityMapper – Citymapper is a super helpful app that allows you to map your route via public transport in nearly every European city.
Omio- For other forms of long-distance transportation such as busses and trains Omio is a super easy app to operate and keeps all travel options in one place.
Google maps– For most major cities in Europe Google Maps has public transportation routes to help you get where you are going.
After reading these tips, I hope you feel more confident giving public transportation a try!
In Madrid you can take public transit all the way to Toledo, Spain!
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